EUPHORIA, a time you find yourself and your purpose. It is also about giving the best time of your youth to build His people and Kingdom. The EUPHORIA experience is life-changing, and mine is just
Bryan Lau
Eyes on Him
For the members of COLLECTIVE, “euphoria” is not just a word; it is a season, a period of challenges, a time for realisations and many moments of decisions that the youths make for the kingdom
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Denise Lim
He is Stronger
There was a point in my life when I so clearly remember someone coming up to me in the middle of my sharing to ask, “Why are you still like this? It has been so
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Teh Gie Mei
I am a Missionary
Barely passing the halfway point of the year, twenty-seventeen has been a heck of a ride for me. It was during the transition between my Pre-U and Undergraduate Studies when I decided to take a
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Juen Tan
Swallowed by His Grace
Marked by the calm vocals in the midst of a moderately upbeat electronic sound, singer-songwriter Ju En captures the tranquility of immersing in a vast ocean, revealing the allure of the Almighty’s love for us
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Marcus Law
A Letter to God
A track wedged in the middle of the album NOW / NEVER, “DEAR GOD” shies away from the distinctive electronic beats that the album has come to be known for. It illustrates a stirring imagery
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Collective Music
NOW / NEVER – Breaking new ground
Three years since the release of their last album, Jeunes, COLLECTIVE Music has emerged to the scene once more with their third album, NOW / NEVER. On the surface, it looks as if they’ve fully
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Felicia Choong
Someone to Journey With
Seventeen years old, 2003. It wasn’t just a year I faced major exams in secondary school, but also the start of my journey in City Harvest Church. I was already a Christian before, only, I