If I had to describe my salvation journey with one word, it’d be unorthodox. The time and place I was in when I first encountered Christ were peculiar, almost perplexing. I accepted Christ when I
Ker Zi Ming
The Love of God is Always There For Me
I came from a non-christian family. I used to be very self-centered and I would spend most of my days hiding in my room because I didn’t like to socialise. But one day, my friend,
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Chia Huey
A Mother’s Struggles During a Pandemic
Since the Movement Control Order started on March 18, 2020, our lives have never been the same. There are so many uncertainties and fear. Some have had to stay home and juggle between work and
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Adrian & Sung Lin
Two Fathers, to Fathers
What does it take to make a man a father? They say no man is ready until the little one is out and you’d just have to wing it through the diapers and midnight cries.
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Joanne Choo
A Mother’s Stand
I found it difficult to be a single mother. Even more so in a church community. A church is supposed to be perfect. And yet, no one sees a single mother as perfect even if
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Mary Ann Tan
A Mother, And More
I am a full time mother and wife and I have always been proud to say it. A mother who cooks, cleans and is committed to raising my child to be God-fearing, people-loving. I suppose
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Linet Goh
Journey Back Home
I started attending COLLECTIVE when I came to here to study in 2008. It was never a question since so many of my hometown friends were already rooted here. Regularly, I went to church services